"My name is Weronika Frodyma and I am a dancer with Staatsballett Berlin.

As many of  ballet dancers I had a bad luck of experiencing some injuries in my career, among which one was exeptionaly bad.After dislocating my kneecup and going through a serious surgery right after the accident I was faced with the risk of never being able to dance again.Luckily for me though,in that moment  I was taken care of by the best team of phisiotherapists and instuctors among whom I met Uliana Selezkaja who intorduced me to the amaizing power of Gyrotonic.

I have to admit that at the first sight I wasn't really convinced by the feeling that Gyrotonic gave me.Since being a dancer I am used to extreme phisical effort, I expected that gyrotonic would give me exactly that; intensive and tireing exercises that will bring my muscles to shaking and my body to sweating. But I  quickly understood that  gyrotonic wasn't about that at all and that transformation that my body was going through would happen in much gentler and subtle way. Through series of different three dimentional excercises strictly conected with breathing and  performed on a specially designed Gyroitonic equipment my body started gaining new qualities that no other training has given me before. I startet feeling much stronger, more balanced out and comfortable in my own body at the same time.

As if finally my bones, muscles and all the structeres in my body were correctly aligned. I felt the space in my joints opened up giving me much biger range of motion and a freedom of movement, my muscles felt stonger from within withouth loosing their flexibility and my back and hips finally felt free and more mobile.

After all I fell in love with the Gyrotonic method.Not only did it help my knee to recover after the injury but it also brought my whole body into shape, thaught me a lot about movement and different approaches to it and eventually improved my ballet technoique.

Guided through every Gyrotonic session by lovely and caring Uliana who next to her profesionalism and knowledge  always showed me a lot of understanding, support and generosity I turned into a "Gyrotonic believer" and I will always recommend it to my fellow dancers and any person who wants to get rid of pain and finally start feeling  "comfortable" in their body."

"Ich habe schmerzhafte Beschwerden im Bereich der unteren Lendenwirbel und des Iliosakral Gelenks.

Durch die sanften und gezielten Übungen am Gyrotonic Gerät unter der professionellen Anleitung von Uliana, 

verbessert sich meine Beweglichkeit deutlich.

Uliana trainiert mit mir spezielle Übungen und korrigiert meine Körperhaltung bei Bedarf. 

Dadurch vermeide ich Fehlhaltungen des Körpers beim Training und auch im Alltag.

Die Atmung ist auch ein wichtiger Baustein der Übungen. Uliana erklärt mit viel Geduld und Ausdauer die Abläufe von Atmumg und Übungen. Sie vermittelt auf sanfte Weise, die einzelnen Übungen fließend auszuführen.

Ich kann Uliana und das Gyrotonic Gerät nur sehr empfehlen.

 Siegrid Heilmann"